First Week Done

The first week of professional experience was interesting.  I have so much information to absorb and learn in 3 weeks.  My mentor is amazing.  She has given me so many ideas and is always asking for my thoughts and reflections on activities that I have run, or taken part in with the class.  I have been given a range of ICT tools to enhance my own learning, access through the school system (while on prac only….) have you ever heard of ChooseITmaker?  It is a great program that you can use to create options for your students, you write in a section at the top the topic and then you can use the boxes below to display two images or more for the students to select from… then when they select it they can move onto the next screen, (or not if they don’t select the right one).  I have had the opportunity to create a few for my class.

I have a selective mute students, and 4 others.  Only one is diagnosed, I am not sure of the diagnosis, however student K is in year 1 and can communicate verbally and with sign.  Student K and Student D are both treasures, they are so quiet and compliant.  It makes teaching a breeze…. But then we have student M, student N, and Student W, who are all a mixed bag.  They are all keen when ICTs are in play, yet when we transition to a craft, or floor activity they are up and about moving around!


It has been really great to see how the students are engaged with the ICT tools, regardless of their abilities / disabilities using the equipment.  When there is music, noise, flashing pictures or just something pretty on the screen to look at they are all keen!


Find below the link to the page ChooseITmaker…. it is fabulous!

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